Digital Transformation

2022 Global Tech Outlook: A Red Hat report


From June through August 2021, Red Hat surveyed 1,341 information technology (IT) leaders and decision makers to better understand where they are on their digital transformation journeys, their IT and non-IT funding priorities, and the types of infrastructure on which they are running their applications. The respondents mostly work at companies with more than US$100 million in revenue.

This is the eighth year we’ve conducted this research. While we’re always probing new aspects of technology usage, many of our questions are consistent from year to year, allowing us to explore trends over time.

Read on to see what we gleaned from this year’s survey in six key areas.

01 Digital transformation continues apace.

Companies are significantly less likely this year to be stalled or have no plans, and more are transforming and accelerating their efforts.

02 Hybrid cloud strategies continue to dominate.

While 18% of organizations are still establishing a cloud strategy, a hybrid cloud approach is most common (30%).

03 Security is consistently top of mind.

Selected by 46% of respondents, IT security is by far the most common overall funding priority moving into 2022. This increased focus is also visible across other funding areas.

04 Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) and the Internet of Things (IoT) continue to dominate emerging technology planning.

If you consider IoT and edge computing in combination, 61% are planning to use one or the other or both in the next 12 months.

05 Automation ticks up.

Like security, investments in automation are being prioritized across many areas going into 2022.

06 Training and skills are a higher priority.

Technical or technology skills training and people and process skills training each increased four percentage points to 37% and 32% respectively.

Read the 2022 Global Tech Outlook to see how IT leaders and decision makers have progressed and invested in their digital transformation initiatives.


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