Resilience in an age of uncertainty

Organizations are on a quest for resilience in the midst of a global pandemic. Resilience as a theme has trended many times over the past few decades, resurfacing during downturns and disruptions to remind us of its importance. In the past, however, the focus on resilience quickly waned as markets recovered and the well intentioned blueprints for developing resilience were put aside, with organizations failing to see the long-term advantages of a resilient organization. What will be different this time?
For starters, we’re experiencing adversity on a deeply human scale across the globe. Second, we are facing the stark realization that the future will very likely bring similar global threats—perhaps on an even greater scale of disruption than the current pandemic. Third, as evidenced by the headlines of companies stepping up to take a people-first approach during the pandemic, we are witnessing a corporate awakening to the human side of business.