AI/MLDigital Transformation

Build an edge-to-cloud AI infrastructure

The increasing speed of business operations paired with constantly rising customer expectations means that for many organisations, decision-making must be increasingly devolved away from the head office. Whether they’re dealing with customers on the shop floor or working on a busy production line, individual employees need the insight and information to make critical decisions in real time. In some cases, these decisions may need to be entirely automated.

Increasingly, decisions are being made based on data generated at the edge. In fact, so much data is being captured at the edge that Gartner predicts that by 2025, up to 75%of all enterprise data will be generated outside traditional data centres. Putting computing capabilities closer to this data at its point of origin enables new real-time use cases and derives fresh revenue streams from even the most sensitive data.

Achieving this relies on the effective combination of three technologies: edge computing, the cloud and artificial intelligence (Al). Whilst all three already add value individually, enterprises that ensure they can integrate them across their infrastructure and enable full edge-to-cloud intelligence, will be best placed to succeed. We can think of them existing in a virtuous cycle. More devices and computing power at the edge create more data, which feeds more complex Al use cases. This in turn creates more insight that can be disseminated through the cloud across the organisation and used to further optimise data collection and analysis in the future.

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