Digital Transformation

Paving the Way for Successful Digital Transformation

Now more than two years since the Covid-19 pandemic began, most organizations are well into their digital transformation. They’ve stood up new technologies, launched new customer experiences, and adapted to dramatic changes in both processes and culture. But how have companies fared in their digital transformation efforts in 2021, and what priorities and goals do they have for 2022 and beyond?

A January 2022 survey by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services of 727 executives from across the globe finds that 92% say their organization’s digital transformation will become more important to business success over the next 12 months. The survey also finds that organizations are shifting their goals—and they are tackling both new and persistent challenges in culture, technology, and business processes along the way.

Businesses are turning their attention from productivity, resiliency, and agility-focused objectives to priorities that deliver business value and drive their organizations forward. Businesses have also capitalized on lessons learned since the pandemic began, which has enabled them to further accelerate their transformations and reap more business benefits.

While many organizations have experienced great strides in their digital transformation efforts over the past year, roadblocks continue to stand in the way of success. Companies still report experiencing perennial culture challenges tied to their digital transformation, and for many companies, the war on talent has brought on hiring challenges. Resolving these issues, as well as others related to aligning transformation with business objectives, effectively allocating resources, and supporting a culture of continuous learning, should be top priorities for organizations in 2022 and beyond.

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