AutomationDigital Transformation

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Automation has helped companies operate efficiently since the industrial revolution.

While IT automation, including scripts, hasn’t been around for quite that long, it’s increasingly commonplace in many organizations. In fact, according to a recent pulse survey by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, automation is so widespread that 68% of respondents agree that IT automation at their organization has shifted from a “nice to have” to a “must have” in the past 12 months.

At the simplest level, these tasks tend to be repeatable, task-based processes that often require both scale and precision, such as a security patch or a version update on a solution. Done manually, such tasks can be monotonous, making them prone to human error—particularly when repeated hundreds or even thousands of times. This combination of factors makes automation an ideal way to improve these types of processes, especially in scenarios where IT teams are asked to do more with less.

Organizations also frequently use in-house automation, such as scripting, that solves specific short-term problems but is not scalable or sustainable in the long term. While critical for that individual process, using scripting this way is a good example of automation in isolation.

Although many organizations are dabbling in automation– 73% of surveyed executives said their organization had an automation initiative underway2 –they’re approaching it with point solutions rather than a holistic view. Taking this approach can increase costs, result in duplicate efforts, require expertise on multiple platforms, and build barriers between functions and departments.

The right IT automation solution can unify teams and processes across an organization, ultimately transforming the way IT is delivered. So how do you create an automation-first approach for your organization?

Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform supports extensive possibilities and is designed with hybrid cloud infrastructure in mind. It is a flexible, scalable, and multifaceted automation solution that works across your enterprise, wherever your organization might be in its automation journey. Ansible Automation Platform can also be used across IT teams, from systems and network administrators to developers and managers.

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