Digital TransformationWorkforce

The Workforce Management Guide For Specialty Contractors

Workforce management (WFM) is an organizational approach used to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of employees. Across a variety of industries, this practice strategically optimizes productivity.

In construction, WFM gets the right person in the right place at the right time, creating the right plan. Specialty contractors across the world practice WFM, but most are doing so unknowingly and unequipped. When done successfully, WFM helps specialty contractors schedule productive teams, track performance and skills and stay on budget to increase profits.

The foundation of WFM is a framework known as People Process, Technology (PPT). This business model was created in 1964 by Dr. Harold Leavitt, an American psychologist of management.

Leavitt’s model is also referred to as a “three legged stool,” and continues to be an important framework of effective organizational management to this day. Each leg of this stool works together to support successful WFM:

+ PEOPLE: Who should be involved

People are centric to business and construction operations. Without people, nothing gets accomplished.

+ PROCESS: How it should be done

Standardized processes create predictability and efficiency. Progress is obstructed without processes.

+ TECHNOLOGY: Enable people, support process

The tool must fit the task. Technology should simplify processes and amplify effectiveness.

When properly in place, these three legs of PPT support effective construction WFM to increase productivity, performance and profitability for specialty contractors. Read on to learn how.

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