
Future-proof your workplace

The workplace has transitioned into a new world of communications. With more and more organizations shifting to remote and hybrid

Telephony for Microsoft Teams: What to look for Small and mid-sized business edition

Got Microsoft Teams, but not sure how telephony fits in? No matter your business size, RingCentral is the perfect match

Unrecognizable Collaboration

The communication landscape is always changing. One hundred years ago, we sent telegrams. Fifty years ago, we made phone calls. Ten years

Unified Communications as a Service

As businesses increasingly embrace a cloud-first strategy, many are migrating their most heavily used business applications — including office productivity,

DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift

This book will enable readers to learn, understand, and apply many different practices – some people-related, some process-related, some technology-related

DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift

This book will enable readers to learn, understand, and apply many different practices – some people-related, some process-related, some technology-related

DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift

This book will enable readers to learn, understand, and apply many different practices – some people-related, some process-related, some technology-related

Delivering Digital Innovation: Building Business Capacity for Sustained Software Innovation

Now more than ever, business leaders recognize that delivering software innovation is a key requirement for remaining competitive and creating

DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift

This book will enable readers to learn, understand, and apply many different practices – some people-related, some process-related, some technology-related

DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift

This book will enable readers to learn, understand, and apply many different practices – some people-related, some process-related, some technology-related

DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift

This book will enable readers to learn, understand, and apply many different practices – some people-related, some process-related, some technology-related

Cloud-Native Development: Supporting Modern Innovation and Bridging Installed Solutions to the Future

Let’s start by defining these terms. Cloud-native development combines development techniques, tools, and services that take advantage of modern infrastructure.

Top considerations for cloud-native databases and data analytics

Across industries, cloud-native applications can help organizations differentiate themselves to gain a competitive advantage. Organizations use cloud-native applications to deliver

Application development security

Red Hat and our partner ecosystem address security across the product portfolio, providing tools and best practices to empower teams

Red Hat OpenShift Data Science

Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) have rapidly become critical for businesses and organizations as they

Deliver innovative applications faster

Cloud and container technologies can help you rapidly deliver cloud-native services and experiences to increase customer satisfaction and revenue. Red Hat

Top 5 considerations for your AI/ML platform

Use this checklist to implement MLOps processes that help teams create data-driven applications in a securityfocused and collaborative way through

API Management and Security

From what used to be a purely technical concept created to make developers’ lives easier, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have