
Conversational Microsoft Teams Backup

Over the past few years, businesses have become increasingly reliant on video and voice communications apps, such as Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft 365 Backup for dummies

Microsoft 365 Backup For Dummies, Veeam Special Edition, addresses the data security challenges organizations face in today’s computing landscape by

7 Critical Reasons for Microsoft 365 Backup

Do you have control of your Microsoft 365 data? Do you have access to all the items you need? The

1 Microsoft 365 Backup Guide by Veeam

Microsoft 365 backup has become one of most commonly debated topics in the IT industry. The opinions are varied, with


Cyberattacks make the news practically every day. But some headlines – like the SolarWinds incident and the ProxyShell and Log4Shell

Executive Outlook: Leveraging Your Data to Drive Revenue Growth

There’s a vastly underestimated source of potential income languishing in spreadsheets across the supply chain. With messy data, this revenue

Streamline application services

Agencies and institutions are looking to cloud-based applications and services to improve user productivity and mobility, and comply with mandates

Protect data everywhere

Government agencies and institutions are migrating infrastructure to a cloud environment, implementing containerized applications and microservices, and adopting DevOps to

Monitor and modernize applications

Government agencies and institutions are adopting cloud infrastructure and introducing containerized applications to increase agility and improve efficiencies. They also

4 tips for maximizing your data

Every application needs modern databases to handle and process data. Learn four tips to help you start monetizing and gaining

Adopt cloud-native development

Adapt to a digital, cloud-native world Cloud-native application development can help you compete in a digital world. By adapting your

The Total Economic Impact™ Of Red Hat OpenShift Cloud Services

Through six customer interviews and data aggregation, Forrester concluded that Red Hat OpenShift cloud services has the following three-year financial

The Business Value of Red Hat OpenShift

Digital innovation can be elusive. But enterprises that adopt technologies, processes, and platforms that drive efficiencies into the production of

Managing Your Kubernetes Clusters For Dummies

IT infrastructure isn’t static. Technology advancements and business demands have pushed IT departments to embrace hybrid environments comprised of virtualized

How your container solution separates you from competitors

Create better customer experience with Kubernetes Innovation is a continuous process involving the adoption of new technologies and ways of

Freedom to choose and move between clouds with confidence

Red Hat gives digital service providers consistency to develop and run production applications and services among multiple clouds with confidence—without

DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift

This book will enable readers to learn, understand, and apply many different practices – some people-related, some process-related, some technology-related

Developing apps in containers: 5 topics to discuss with your team

Sometimes talking to your development team can be difficult. You might be asking a lot from your developers with a